My son has added a larger tractor to his collection - a G1000 Wheatland Minneapolis Moline... And of course, I found out about the eminent purchase about two hours before it was driven home! My only slight clue to the fact that another deal was in the works came from a conversation that I had with my Mom. She had a visit from my son, who had mentioned that he was looking at a tractor to purchase. When this was mentioned by her in a conversation with me, I told her he must have been referring to a tractor that he purchased a few weeks ago. (Oops, I will have to put that one up on the blog, too!) She seemed sure that Farmer Boy had said that this one was in the works... Hmmm.
Being busy with my new schedule played right into my Hubby and son's plans. On my arriving home from my job on Saturday, my son and hubby said that they were going to visit a farmer. I thought it was about picking up some more Minni parts. Upon their return, they let me in on their day. They had located a "must have" tractor. Aren't they all?? ;) After a few hours of explaining... or justifying the need, we were on our way to watch our son purchase his latest addition... I am not going to lie. I was a little taken back as we pulled into the farm and the size of this tractor met my eyes. The only words that I managed to say were, "Oh my..."
It wasn't long, and my son was motoring down the road at 20 mph. I was thankful that it was a beautiful evening for a drive. The gentleman that sold the tractor was kind enough to follow behind my son's journey to our house, just in case he should run into troubles. It gave us the opportunity to drive ahead and get some photos of the tractor en route to our house. I noticed mid way home that my son began to push open a few windows. Apparently, the cab area was starting to get a little warm and toasty. :)
The G 1000 arrived safely to our house without any cause for worry. There has been some conversation, since its arrival, about removing the cab. My son has decided to leave it on for now. He would like to get a building to store it in before taking the cab off, since it protects the gages from the rain. I heard talk about pulling with this one, too. Considering the weight, it would probably be for local pulls. Although it seems enormous compared to his other Minnis, I have to say that it makes the least noise. The UB Minneapolis Moline that he purchased a few weeks ago can get really loud. And to think, it wasn't that long ago that my son was collecting miniature tractors from Ertl... Glad he got out of the Thomas the Train phase!