Whimsical and Homespun Art Creations with a Little Rural Living Thrown In

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Mockmill 100 for Grinding Grain

 Time to get busy and embrace a healthier future grinding my own grain with the Mockmill 100!  

If some of my old pals are still out there (and for those who are just meeting me), you all know how I love to cook, bake, and create.  As with everyone else, the past few years have had their ups and for me one extreme down.  Now it is time to move forward.   I'm ready to shake up my world.  One big part of my shake up is to get healthier with my food.  Even though I still cook and eat mainly at home, I have gotten away from all of the great stuff on this blog and have fallen into being a quick meal cook.  Some quick meals aren't so bad... others are not only unhealthy but expensive.  I'm shaking my life up!  Step 1 make a decision... Any decision that gets me motivated and inspires me to action.   One of my big decisions brewing over the past 3 weeks was to get a better grip on the flour that I use.  My prepping nature has my freezers full of flour.  Not completely a bad thing... Just a little annoying at harvest time, when the veggies start rolling in.  (I have some ideas for those as well! ;) )   In my quest to find a more space friendly, longer-term storage for my flour, I came across several articles and videos on wheat berries and milling flour at home.   Sounds interesting, right? ;)   

Are you aware properly prepped wheat berries can be stored up to 25 years +?  Also, there is NO freezer required.  Mind blowing, right?  How about the fact that I can grind my flour on a need basis?  Awesome!  Throw in a list of grains that can be ground... some going back to ancient time...  My mind is blowing up with huge ideas.  Aaaaaaghhh!

My decision... get a grain mill.   There are many out there let me tell you.  Hand operated or electric, prices are all over the place, and loads of friendly people who will offer lots of opinions on the topic.  The last few weeks have been research heaven.  Just an amazing experience in learning.  My decision was to go electric (contemplating a backup hand operated later for emergencies), finding a mid-range price, and taking in all the advice from my prepping friends and YouTube testers.  Of course, add a little procrasting as well followed by a quick text to my Sister to have her tell me to just DO IT!  I always can count on her to give a nudge, shove, or kick to the rear.  lol  

Which leads me to Step 2...  Acquisition of important instruments to complete a mission.  I did it.  I bought a mill.  A Mockmill 100 that works with a grinding stone set up.  Yep, I took a deep breath and dove in.  And Guess what?  It is on back order.  Waah waah waaaaah...   But seriously, that's okay! ;)   The delay is being looked at in a positive way.  It will give me plenty of time to study all about grains, blending, and just plain understanding the whole process from start to finish.  Plus, I can decide which grains to purchase, acquire some food grade storage buckets to house them, and allocate an area for them to reside.  Always good to be prepared!  

So, Step 3... Take action will have to wait on this particular adventure until October.  Although, I feel all my research will be the foundation of and for the final step.  Definitely required for success.  I am so excited!  This post is getting long, so I will save some sites and information for another day. ;)  Since mine will be a bit into the future to photograph, below is a photo from the Mockmill site.  It will be shipping from Breadtopia.  :)  

Now, I am off to look at some grain!  :) 

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