Whimsical and Homespun Art Creations with a Little Rural Living Thrown In

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Baby Jack in the Pulpit ~ Welcome Spring!

The warm weather in Illinois has certainly had an impact on the plant life.  Early growth has been threatened by the touches of frost on a few chilly nights around here.  Thank the heavens that my plants have not suffered to much from the frigid temps.  My personal favorites are the Jack in the Pulpits.  I have loved them since first sight on a field trip back in grade school.  :)  A few years ago, my son and I transplanted a large Jack in the Pulpit and a few smaller ones that were about to be lost in the process of a new shed being constructed.  This last week, they began to send their shoots up and luckily missed the frost!  I haven't seen my large Jack yet, but several of these little six inch guys are popping up everywhere.  I am thrilled that they are taking so well to their new environment.  My goal is to eventually transplant some of them over onto our empty lots and create a little forest.  :) 


Barb said...

Hi Brenda,
Playing catch up this week. Love your fun plants and your latest halloween designs!!
Enjoy your day,

Brenda said...

Thank you so much Barb! :)